Get/Set Value Tab (Upper Right Pane)

The top portion of the Get/Set Value tab displays the values of the most recently clicked on point in the variable list pane (or refresh list) and allows the values to be modified.

The bottom portion contains the refresh list, a list of variables whose values are displayed and updated (refreshed) in real-time. Variables are added to the list by clicking on them in the variable list pane and clicking on the Add to Table button.

See Variable List (Left Pane).


String URL Encoded

Displays and accepts input of string values in URL encoded form.

Raw Hex

Displays raw values in hexadecimal.

CVT/Alt Hex

Displays integer CVT and alternate values in hexadecimal.

Expand All expandall00001.png

Expands the hierarchy tree for all variable names in the refresh table at the bottom of the tab. I/O point names with periods or parameter or signal names with forward slashes in the names are hierarchical names and are displayed as a tree. For example, A.ai000 and A.ai001 would display ai000 and ai001 as children of the A node.

Collapse All collapseall00002.png

Collapses the hierarchy tree for all point names in the refresh table to show just the top level nodes.


Displays in the refresh table only variables whose name matches the regular expression. See Regular Expressions.


Name of the most recently clicked on point in the variables tables or refresh table.

C Type

C language type of the variable listed under Name. Tables have their dimensions appended in square brackets.

CVT Value

Current Value Table value of the variable listed under Name. The value is updated only when the variable is initially displayed or when the Get Values button is pressed. Add the variable to the refresh table to see it updated in real time.

To modify a value, click in the field and edit the value, then either press return or click on the Set Value button.

See Current Value Table and Alternate Values.

Alternate Value

Alternate value of the variable. The value is updated only when the variable is initially displayed, or when the Get Values button is pressed. Add the variable to the refresh table to see it updated in real time.

See Current Value Table and Alternate Values.

Raw Value

Raw hardware value of the variable before engineering unit conversion function is applied. The value is updated only when the variable is initially displayed, or when the Get Values button is pressed. Add the variable to the refresh table to see it updated in real time.


Operator Value

See Current Value Table and Alternate Values.

Alternate Value

See Current Value Table and Alternate Values.

Value Is Raw

Indicates whether the value being specified is the raw value for the variable.

Remove from Tableremove_from_table.png

Removes the selected variables in the refresh table from the refresh table.

Get Valuesget_values.png

Updates the values in the upper portion of the form to their current values.

Set Valueset_value.png

Modifies the value of the variable displayed in the upper portion of the form with the value typed into the CVT Value field.

Set Raw Valueset_raw_value.png

Modifies the raw value of the variable displayed in the upper portion of the form with the value typed into the Raw Value field. This is enabled only for certain boards.

Set Flagsset_flags.png

Modify the run-time flags of the variable displayed in the upper portion of the form with the settings made in the above check boxes.

Refresh Table

Name Column

Name of the variable.

Value Column

Current value of the variable (from the current value table).

Alt Value Column

Alternate value of the variable.

Raw Value Column

Raw Value of the Variable.

Alt Flag

See Current Value Table and Alternate Values.

Op Flag

Indicates that the operator has modified the value of the variable.

EU Error

Indicates if there has been an engineering unit conversion error for the variable. See EU Limits