SIMulation Workbench Documentation SIMulation Workbench Documentation

IOBoardDef Struct Reference
[RTDB Access API]

#include <simrtdb.h>

Collaboration diagram for IOBoardDef:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

double clockRate __attribute__ ((aligned(8)))
double resolverMaxRPS[MAX_RESOLVERCHANNELS_INPUT] __attribute__ ((aligned(8)))
double resolverOscillatorAmplitude __attribute__ ((aligned(8)))
double rvdtOscillatorAmplitude __attribute__ ((aligned(8)))

Data Fields

int boardId
int boardNumber
int nChannels
int nAis
int nAos
int nDigitals
int nCounters
int hasCalibration
int type
int nVLinks
int nAllocVLinks
int nEntries
int nAllocEntries
unsigned char analogVoltRange
unsigned char rawUnit
unsigned char aoFilter
unsigned char aoResolution
unsigned char aoIsExternalClock
unsigned char aoIsExternalSync
unsigned char differentialMode
unsigned char resolverType [MAX_RESOLVERCHANNELS_INPUT]
unsigned char resolverOscillatorEnable
int resolverOscillatorFrequency
unsigned char rvdtType [MAX_NAI64DL1_CHANNELS]
unsigned char rvdtOscillatorEnable
int rvdtOscillatorFrequency
float rvdtTransformRatio [MAX_NAI64DL1_CHANNELS]
int hostPort
int canNetSpeed [MAX_CANNETS]
int eb5100LoadFirmware
int ecatCycleTime
struct {
   char   hostName [MAX_HOSTNAME]
union {
   IOSerialBoardDef   serialDef
   IOARINC429ChannelDef *   arincChannels
   IOAFDXVirtualLink *   virtualLinks
   IONETMessage *   netMessages
   IOCIGIMessage *   cigiMessages
   IOFDXMessage *   fdxMessages
   IOFlexRayMessage *   flexrayMessages
   IOMemoryRegion *   memoryRegions
   IODDC1553Message *   ddc1553Messages
   IOArionObject *   arionObjects
   IORtadbMessage *   rtadbMessages
   IOHITV370Property *   hitv370Properties
union {
   PWM1012Properties   pwm1012Properties
   CPMFIOProperties   cpmfioProperties
   NAI79C3SF6Properties   nai79c3sf6Properties
   NAI79C3E7Properties   nai79c3e7Properties

Detailed Description

Definition of a specific hardware IO board.

Member Function Documentation

double clockRate IOBoardDef::__attribute__ ( (aligned(8))   ) 
double resolverMaxRPS [MAX_RESOLVERCHANNELS_INPUT] IOBoardDef::__attribute__ ( (aligned(8))   ) 

For input channels only.

double resolverOscillatorAmplitude IOBoardDef::__attribute__ ( (aligned(8))   ) 
double rvdtOscillatorAmplitude IOBoardDef::__attribute__ ( (aligned(8))   ) 

Field Documentation

The board ID. i.e. one of the BoardID enum.

The instance number of the board.

The number of hardware channels on this board. I.e. if it is a digital board, the number of bits. If it is an analog board, the number of analog channels.

io direction i.e IN or OUT.

How many entries in allocated array below.

How many have I allocated.

unsigned char IOBoardDef::rawUnit
unsigned char IOBoardDef::aoFilter
unsigned char IOBoardDef::aoResolution

resolution in bit for the AO device. Only used for Pickering resistor board.

unsigned char IOBoardDef::resolverType[MAX_RESOLVERCHANNELS_INPUT]
unsigned char IOBoardDef::rvdtType[MAX_NAI64DL1_CHANNELS]

For input channels only.

float IOBoardDef::rvdtTransformRatio[MAX_NAI64DL1_CHANNELS]
int IOBoardDef::canNetSpeed[MAX_CANNETS]
char IOBoardDef::hostName[MAX_HOSTNAME]
struct { ... } IOBoardDef::S
union { ... } IOBoardDef::IOProp
union { ... } IOBoardDef::Prop

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