SIMulation Workbench Documentation SIMulation Workbench Documentation

IONETMessage Struct Reference
[RTDB Access API]

#include <simrtdb.h>

Public Member Functions

double samplingRate __attribute__ ((aligned(8)))

Data Fields

char name [MAX_NETMSGNAME+1]
unsigned int destIP
unsigned short destPort
unsigned short srcPort
unsigned int messageLength
unsigned short messageId
unsigned char protocol
unsigned short msgFlags
unsigned short type

Detailed Description

IONET message static properties.

Member Function Documentation

double samplingRate IONETMessage::__attribute__ ( (aligned(8))   ) 

Sampling rate in ms for sampling port .

Field Documentation

char IONETMessage::name[MAX_NETMSGNAME+1]
unsigned int IONETMessage::destIP

Destination IP for the message in "a <<24 | b << 16 | c << 8 | d" format where IP is a.b.c.d

unsigned short IONETMessage::destPort

Destination port for transmit.

unsigned short IONETMessage::srcPort

Source port for receive.

# of bytes in the message including the identifier.

unsigned short IONETMessage::messageId
unsigned char IONETMessage::protocol

Message identifier so we can get different messages on the same port. Protocol UDP or TCP .

unsigned short IONETMessage::msgFlags
unsigned short IONETMessage::type

Whether FIFO or schedule,etc.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: