SIMulation Workbench Documentation SIMulation Workbench Documentation

canutils.c File Reference

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include "simrtdb.h"
#include "canutils.h"
#include "dirconfig.h"
#include "ccurutils.h"
#include "rtdbutils.h"
#include "tscutils.h"
#include "simerrors.h"
Include dependency graph for canutils.c:


void * ccurCAN_outGetNextMessageAddress ()
int ccurCAN_outputQueueMap (int init, int qType)
int ccurCAN_outputQPut (unsigned char boardNum, unsigned char operation, unsigned int canId, unsigned int netNumber, int msgLen)
int ccurCAN_outputQGet (CANOutQElement *e, unsigned char **buffer)
int ccurCAN_getShutdownState ()
void ccurCAN_setShutdownState (int state)
int ccurCAN_readBoardConfig (int boardId, int boardNum, int *netBaud, int *fdBaud, int *nonISO, int *linNetBaud, int *isLin, int *linMaster, int *linVersion)
int ccurCAN_readBoardUserHooks (int boardId, int boardNum, CANIdUserHooksDefn **userHooks, int *nRecords, CANIdUserHooksDefn **linUserHooks, int *nLINRecords)

Function Documentation

void* ccurCAN_outGetNextMessageAddress (  ) 

Return the address of the next available CAN message buffer in the output queue.
The caller must fill the buffer with the CAN data and then call ccurFADX_outputQPut to place the element int the queue.

The address of the next available message buffer. NULL if the queue is full . The queue can fill up if the consumer processes data slower that the producer places element in the queue.
int ccurCAN_outputQueueMap ( int  init,
int  qType 
int ccurCAN_outputQPut ( unsigned char  boardNum,
unsigned char  operation,
unsigned int  canId,
unsigned int  netNumber,
int  msgLen 
int ccurCAN_outputQGet ( CANOutQElement *  e,
unsigned char **  buffer 
int ccurCAN_getShutdownState (  ) 
void ccurCAN_setShutdownState ( int  state  ) 
int ccurCAN_readBoardConfig ( int  boardId,
int  boardNum,
int *  netBaud,
int *  fdBaud,
int *  nonISO,
int *  linNetBaud,
int *  isLin,
int *  linMaster,
int *  linVersion 
int ccurCAN_readBoardUserHooks ( int  boardId,
int  boardNum,
CANIdUserHooksDefn **  userHooks,
int *  nRecords,
CANIdUserHooksDefn **  linUserHooks,
int *  nLINRecords 