The VTD™ I/O task is a pseudo SimWB device that supports access to the VTD software. Currently we support controlling the own/EGO vehicle.

Reference Information VTD I/O task

I/O Module License:

ICS-SWB-1291 - Base License: Allows controlling the own/EGO vehicle in VTD

As with any other SimWB I/O devices, connection between the RTDB and the VTD interface is done via the GUI mapping dialog.
  VTD Host Configuration:

Host IP: Host name or IP address of the VTD Host machine.
Decimation Count: Refresh rate for output data. Must be an integer greater than 1.
TC Port: VTD Task Control Port to which we send data.
Image Port: Image Port that is used for transferring image data from VTD.
Sensor Port: Sensor Port that is used for transferring sensor data from VTD.

  Mapping Table:

Field: VTD field name
Type: Field data type
Mapped Points | Init Value: Select a field on the left-hand-side of the I/O Mappings form. Then, click on a checkbox for an I/O point in the right-hand-side list of RTDB variables. See I/O Mappings... for details.
Description: Field description

Ego.[0].base.id:unique object ID
Ego.[0].base.category:uchar", "object category
Ego.[0].base.type:uchar", "object type
Ego.[0].base.visMask:visibility mask
Ego.[0].base.name:char", "symbolic name
Ego.[0].base.geo.dimX:x dimension in object co-ordinates (length)
Ego.[0].base.geo.dimY:y dimension in object co-ordinates (width)
Ego.[0].base.geo.dimZ:z dimension in object co-ordinates (height)
Ego.[0].base.geo.offX:x distance from ref. point to center of geometry, object co-ordinate system
Ego.[0].base.geo.offY:y distance from ref. point to center of geometry, object co-ordinate system
Ego.[0].base.geo.offZ:z distance from ref. point to center of geometry, object co-ordinate system
Ego.[0].base.pos.x:double", "x position
Ego.[0].base.pos.y:double", "y position
Ego.[0].base.pos.z:double", "z position
Ego.[0].base.pos.h:heading angle
Ego.[0].base.pos.p:pitch angle
Ego.[0].base.pos.r:roll angle
Ego.[0].base.pos.flags:uchar", "co-ordinate flags
Ego.[0].base.pos.type:uchar", "co-ordinate system type identifier
Ego.[0].base.pos.system:unique ID of the corresponding (user) co-ordinate system
Ego.[0].base.parent:unique ID of parent object
Ego.[0].base.cfgFlags:configuration flags
Ego.[0].base.cfgModelId:visual model ID (configuration parameter)
Ego.[0].ext.speed.x:double", "x position
Ego.[0].ext.speed.y:double", "y position
Ego.[0].ext.speed.z:double", "z position
Ego.[0].ext.speed.h:heading angle
Ego.[0].ext.speed.p:pitch angle
Ego.[0].ext.speed.r:roll angle
Ego.[0].ext.speed.flags:uchar", "co-ordinate flags
Ego.[0].ext.speed.type:uchar", "co-ordinate system type identifier
Ego.[0].ext.speed.system:unique ID of the corresponding (user) co-ordinate system
Ego.[0].ext.accel.x:double", "x position
Ego.[0].ext.accel.y:double", "y position
Ego.[0].ext.accel.z:double", "z position
Ego.[0].ext.accel.h:heading angle
Ego.[0].ext.accel.p:pitch angle
Ego.[0].ext.accel.r:roll angle
Ego.[0].ext.accel.flags:uchar", "co-ordinate flags
Ego.[0].ext.accel.type:uchar", "co-ordinate system type identifier
Ego.[0].ext.accel.system:unique ID of the corresponding (user) co-ordinate system
Ego.[0].ext.traveledDist:traveled distance
Ego.[0].ext.spare:reserved for future use