FlexRay FIBEX Import

This is not an actual board, but an interface for importing industry standard FIBEX files to configure one or more FlexRay boards.
We support FIBEX 4.1.0 or later. You must have a FIBEXIMPORT SimWB license to generate a RTDB from a FIBEX file.

Import Tab

On the left-hand pane, is a tab with a file browser to allow the user to select a .xml (FIBEX) file to import.

Select a file to import and click on the Import button. After pressing the import button, the FlexRay Boards tab on the left-hand pane will be selected allowing selection of FlexRay controllers on the FlexRay boards, and the right-hand pane will be populated with ECUs and their message identifiers arranged in a hierarchical tree.

FlexRay Boards Tab

From there, ECUs or individual message identifiers are assigned to FlexRay controllers in much the same way that I/O points are assigned to hardware channels or message fields.

First, select a controller on the left-hand side, then check off the check boxes next to ECUs or message identifiers on the right-hand side. If an ECU is checked, all its messages are checked and will be sent/received on the specified controller.

Once all the ECUs and message identifiers of interest have been assigned to controllers, I/O points mapped to the fields of the messages can be created in a new or existing RTDB.

The FIBEX file might define multiple FlexRay clusters. All the clusters found in the file will be listed in the drop down box in the FlexRay cluster column. You muste select one cluster to associate it with the selected controller.

As for the FlexRay cluster, you must also select a FIBEX controller configuration for the hardware controller. The controllers found in the FIBEX file will be listed in the drop down box in the FIBEX controller column.

When clicking the hierarchical RTDB names checkbox, the RTDB variable names will be generated in a hierarchical manner, i.e. ECU_NAME.DIRECTION.SLOTID_IDNUMBER.SIGNAL_NAME.
When the show ID in hexadecimal checkbox is selected, the RTDB variable names will contains the Slot ID in hexadecimal instead of decimal.


Generate New RTDBgenerete_new_rtdb.png

Generate a new real-time database with the selected signals.

Merge to RTDBmerge_to_rtdb.png

Merge the selected signals into the current real-time database.
