Ribbon Gaugedis_lineargauge.png

Displays the connected variable on a vertical or horizontal linear scale. The ribbon gauge is similar to a linear gauge but contrary to a linear gauge, in a ribbon gauge the indicator does not move according to the value of the connected variable but stays in the center of the gauge. The scale will scroll left/right or up/down to align the current value with the indicator in the center.

A vertical ribbon gauge with additional string labels at value 20 and 40:

Horizontal gauge with additional string labels:


See Geometry.

Gauge Position

Gauge Top/Left Corner

Position of the top left corner of the gauge within the widget. This is specified as a comma separated pair of values: x,y.

Visual Properties


Orientation, either vertical or horizontal, of the gauge.

Show Scale

Show the labels and associated tick marks.

Show Value

Show the value of the associated variable.

Switch Label Side

Show the labels on the other side of the bar; top for horizontal gauge, left for vertical gauge.

Show Bar

Whether the gauge main axis bar is visible.

Bar Width

Width in pixels for the gauge’s bar.

Indicator Width

Width in pixels for the gauge’s indicator.

Indicator Offset from Scale

Distance in pixels from the gauge’s bar to start drawing the indicator.

Indicator Length

Length in pixels of the indicator.

Tick Length

Length in pixes of the major ticks. Minor ticks are half this size.

Start Label

Value of the first scale label.

Label Spacing

Distance separating successive label values measured in units of the associated variable.

Minor Ticks

Number of minor ticks between major ticks.

String Labels

Additional string labels to display along the scale. The labels are specified as comma separated pairs of value, labels separated by semi-colons. I.e. "20,Low;40,High

Value Position

Position of the value specified as a comma separated pair of values: x,y.



File image to display in the background of the widget.


Label Font

Font of the labels.

String Label Font

The font to use when additional label fonts are specified.

Value Font

Font of the value when shown.



printf” style numerical format used to format the gauge’s scale labels. HTML tags are not supported.


printf” style numerical format used to format the value. HTML tags are not supported.


Background Color

Background color of the widget. Click on the x button to set null background color. When a null background is selected, the background of the HMI display itself is visible behind the active elements of the widget.

Background Transparency

The transparency of the widget background. This applies to the background image as well when a background image is specified. This is a number between 0.0 (completely transparent) and 1.0 (completely opaque).

Bar Color

Color of the gauge’s bar.

Indicator Color

Color of the gauge’s indicator.

Label Color

Color of the labels.

String Label Color

Color of the optional string labels.

Tick Color

Color of the ticks.

Value Color

Color of the value.

Color Zones

Define position and color for each color zone to display. Color zones are bands of color parallel to the scale used to convey information about values within a particular range.

Edit the entries in the table by clicking on the  button. The following dialog will appear:


Each zone has the following properties:

Maximum Value Column

Value where this zone ends in units of the connected variable.

Minimum Value Column

Value where this zone begins in units of the connected variable.

Color Column

Color of the zone.

Zone Width Column

Width of the zone in pixels.

Text Tags

Place user defined text on the widget display.

Edit the entries in the table by clicking on the  button. The following dialog will appear:


Each text tag has the following properties:


Text to display. HTML tags are not supported.

Text Font

Font of the text.


Color of the text.

Text Position

Position of the text specified as a comma separated pair of values: x,y.

Border Properties

See Border Properties