SIMulation Workbench Documentation SIMulation Workbench Documentation

RawValue Union Reference
[RTDB Access API]

#include <simrtdb.h>

Data Fields

int i
unsigned int ui
short s
unsigned short us
char c
unsigned char uc
float f
double d
long long ll

Detailed Description

Object to hold the raw value of a RTDB item independent of its data type.

Field Documentation

Raw value is a 'C' int.

unsigned int RawValue::ui

Raw value is a 'C' unsigned int.

short RawValue::s

Raw value is a 'C' short.

unsigned short RawValue::us

Raw value is a 'C' unsigned short.

Raw value is a 'C' char.

unsigned char RawValue::uc

Raw value is a 'C' unsigned char.

float RawValue::f

Raw value is a 'C' float. This is mainly for AFDX message

double RawValue::d

Raw value is a 'C' double. This is mainly for AFDX message

long long RawValue::ll

Raw value is a 'C' long long. This is mainly for AFDX message

The documentation for this union was generated from the following file: