SIMulation Workbench Documentation SIMulation Workbench Documentation

ScriptStdIO Struct Reference
[RTDB Access API]

#include <simrtdb.h>

Data Fields

unsigned int flags
unsigned int outIdxPut

Detailed Description

Definition of for Script programs standard Input and output functions.
This is mapped in shared memory at the end of the RTDB.

Field Documentation

unsigned int ScriptStdIO::flags

Set by configuration server when the input string has been received and is ready for the Script to process.

char ScriptStdIO::inputString[MAXCSCRIPT_INPUTSTRLEN]

The NULL terminated input string.


The Null terminated ouput string. This string is sent over the network to all Script output listeners . This is a FIFO

unsigned int ScriptStdIO::outIdxPut

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: