SIMulation Workbench Documentation SIMulation Workbench Documentation

ItemValue Struct Reference
[RTDB Access API]

#include <simrtdb.h>

Public Member Functions

int dimensions[MAX_DIMENSIONS] __attribute__ ((aligned(8)))

Data Fields

int stringLength
int numElements
int numMallocedElements
int isRTDB
union {
   union {
      float   f
      short   s
      unsigned short   us
      char   c
      unsigned char   uc
      int   i
      unsigned int   ui
      short   stringIndex
   }   aligned

Detailed Description

Object to hold the engineering unit value of a RTDB item independent of its data type. This is used in call to getCVTValue and getAlternateValue.

Member Function Documentation

int dimensions [MAX_DIMENSIONS] ItemValue::__attribute__ ( (aligned(8))   ) 

Field Documentation

The number of elements for array type items.

size of the buffer for getCVT values if it has been preallocated by the caller. for getCVTValue, etc... This can be less than the number of elements.

Indicates whether the string comes from RTDB (true) or local storage (false).

float ItemValue::f

Value of the item if its cvt type is float

short ItemValue::s

Value of the item if its cvt type is short

unsigned short ItemValue::us

Value of the item if its cvt type is unsigned short

Value of the item if its cvt type is char

unsigned char ItemValue::uc

Value of the item if its cvt type is unsigned char

Value of the item if its cvt type is int

unsigned int ItemValue::ui

Value of the item if its cvt type is unsigned int

Index of the string value in the string table

union { ... } ItemValue::aligned
union { ... } ItemValue::Val

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