SIMulation Workbench Documentation SIMulation Workbench Documentation

IOSerialChannelDef Struct Reference
[RTDB Access API]

#include <simrtdb.h>

Data Fields

int parity
int speed
int modified
int terminator
int stopBits
int binaryLength
int flowControl
int characterSize
int inputType
int outputType
int period
int customBaudEnabled
unsigned customSampleRate
unsigned long customBaudRate
unsigned short inStartByte
unsigned short inStartBit
unsigned short inNumBits
unsigned short inIOFlags
unsigned short outStartByte
unsigned short outStartBit
unsigned short outNumBits
unsigned short outIOFlags
char * outMsgIdItemName
unsigned char serialType
unsigned char synchronous
unsigned char dce
int cpu

Detailed Description

Definition of a specific channel on an IO board.

Field Documentation

The parity. One of ARINC429_Parity.

The rx/tx speed for the channel. One of ARINC429_Speed.

Whether the data has been modified. This is to support update from the client via the configuration server.

How to decode the message id for input binary formatted message

Whether the input messageid is big/little endian

How to decode the message id for output binary formatted message

Whether the output messageid is big/little endian

unsigned char IOSerialChannelDef::dce

CPU affinity for output channel thread.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: