SIMulation Workbench Documentation SIMulation Workbench Documentation

BoardUserHookMappingDefn Struct Reference
[RTDB Access API]

#include <simrtdb.h>

Collaboration diagram for BoardUserHookMappingDefn:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

double euValue[MAX_IOMAPPINGS] __attribute__ ((aligned(8)))
double rawValue __attribute__ ((aligned(8)))

Data Fields

int mappingCount
char * name [MAX_IOMAPPINGS]
char signedValue [MAX_IOMAPPINGS]

Detailed Description

Utility object passed to generic IO user hook routine.

Member Function Documentation

double euValue [MAX_IOMAPPINGS] BoardUserHookMappingDefn::__attribute__ ( (aligned(8))   ) 

For input mappings, this is the value after EU conversion has been applied to the raw value and this value will be stored in the RTDB.
For output mappings, this is the value that is in the RTDB and will be converted to raw value when written to the hardware.

double rawValue BoardUserHookMappingDefn::__attribute__ ( (aligned(8))   ) 

On input, this is the value read from the hardware, modifying this value has not effect on the value stored in the RTDB.
On output, this value is undefined since the conversion from EU value to raw occurs after the user routine has been called.

Field Documentation

Pointer to the items mapped to this channel.

Number of mapping define for this device channel.

char* BoardUserHookMappingDefn::name[MAX_IOMAPPINGS]

The name of the RTDB items mapped to this channel/bit.

Whether the eu value is signed . Only used for output mappings. Undefined for input mappings.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: