To prepare for SimWB installation, make sure you have updated WSL by running the command "wsl.exe --update" and then "wsl.exe --shutdown" for the update to take effect. After this start RedHawk NRT kernel by clicking on the icon in start menu. This should start RedHawk NRT.
Download SimWB iso from in the Windows system. Let's assume this is located in /Users/ramesh.praveenkumar.CCRT/Downloads/ccur-simwb-2024.1-0-Alpha.iso. Now create a folder "iso" to mount this ISO in wsl and mount the ISO using commands: mkdir iso
sudo mount -oloop /mnt/c/Users/ramesh.praveenkumar.CCRT/Downloads/ccur-simwb-2024.1-0-Alpha.iso iso
Install SimWB by invoking the command sudo ./install-simwb
This should start the installer as shown. Click next.
This should show the license agreement. Accept the license and click next.
This should show the install manager. Select "Install Manager" and click next.
This should show the components selection panel. Select required components and click next.
This should license import panel. Obtain the license for the machine ID shown, import the license file, and click next.
This should show the MATLAB Path configuration panel. Skip this and click next.
This should show the PYToolkit Installation panel. Skip and click next.
This should show the "Destination" panel. Skip and click next.
This should start the install process and show the log.
After the installation completes, press "Done" to finish.
After installation, it makes sense to run the SimWB Control Center from host rather than inside WSL since it might improve the perfromance somewhat.