SimWB supports the following modules on the North Atlantic Industries 79C3 card.
Channel number.
Module name, specified for each of the three modules in the card.
4-channel resolver/synchro measurement (input) module.
Angles are measured in the [0, - 359.9954]° range. Rotation speed is returned in the [-190.7348, +190.7348] RPS range.
3-channel resolver output module.
Angles are written in the [0, - 359.9954]° range. If you provide values outside this range, the I/O task issues a warning and reduces the values to within the range. Rotation speed is specified in the [-4896, +4896]°/second range.
Reference AC signal source module.
If this module is enabled, then its power supply is enabled during the initialization phase of the nai79c3sf6in/nai79c3sf6out I/O task(s). The power supply is disabled during the termination phase of the nai79c3sf6in/nai79c3sf6out I/O task(s). If an RTDB contains points mapped to input and output modules on the card, then the nai79c3sf6out task disables this module.
No module.
Indicates whether the channel is connected to a resolver/synchro.
Measure/output angle.
Measure/output rotation speed.
Maximum rotations per second (Rotation channels only).
The maximum rotations per second the board can track is 190.7348 RPS. If the actual input range is going to be less than that, the velocity scale register can be used to improve the resolution of the velocity register. The scale factor is calculated as follows:
Due to the 12-bit quantization of the velocity scale register, the actual maximum RPS may differ slightly from the desired value. Care should be taken to use the actual maximum RPS in engineering unit conversions.
Minimum reference voltage level expected before indicating a loss.
Minimum signal voltage level expected before indicating a loss.
Specifies whether the W2 module is enabled or disabled. Only applicable to W2 modules.
Enables W2 module. Sets the reference voltage and reference frequency values to their minimum values by default. Update these values as required.
Disables W2 module.
Reference voltage, specified in the [2 28]Vrms range. Default value is 15 Vrms when W2 module is enabled. Only applicable to W2 modules.
Reference frequency, specified in the [47 Hz 10Khz] range. Default value is 5023.5 Hz when W2 module is enabled. Only applicable to W2 modules.
If you use the W2 module as the reference for the SF module, then you must configure the frequency to be within the range supported by both modules.
Input/output point(s) a channel is mapped to. To map a point to a channel, select a channel on the left side of the I/O Mappings form, then click on a check box for an I/O point on the right side of the form. See I/O Mappings... for details.
This I/O task is used when the RTDB specifies mappings to the input channels on this card. The W2 module enable/disable is handled by this I/O task.
This I/O task is used when the RTDB specifies mappings to the output channels on this card. The W2 module enable/disable is handled by this I/O task.
78-pin | J1-1 | J1-21 | J1-2 | J1-22 | J1-3 | J1-23 | J1-4 | J1-24 | J1-5 | J1-25 | J1-6 | J1-26 | J1-40 | J1-60 | J1-41 | J1-61 | J1-42 | J1-62 | J1-43 | J1-63 | J1-44 | J1-64 | J1-45 | J1-65 | J1-72 | J1-20 | J1-59 |
S/D (SF) | Ch01 S1 | Ch01 S3 | Ch01 S2 | Ch01 S4 | Ch01 RH | Ch01 RL | Ch02 S1 | Ch02 S3 | Ch02 S2 | Ch02 S4 | Ch02 RH | Ch02 RL | Ch03 S1 | Ch03 S3 | Ch03 S2 | Ch03 S4 | Ch03 RH | Ch03 RL | Ch04 S1 | Ch04 S3 | Ch04 S2 | Ch04 S4 | Ch04 RH | Ch04 RL | System GND | TRIG+ | TRIG- |
3 CH D/S (6D) | Ch01 S1 | Ch01 S3 | Ch01 S2 | Ch01 S4 | Ch01 RH | Ch01 RL | Ch02 S1 | Ch02 S3 | Ch02 S2 | Ch02 S4 | Ch02 RH | Ch02 RL | Ch03 S1 | Ch03 S3 | Ch03 S2 | Ch03 S4 | Ch03 RH | Ch03 RL | System GND | TRIG+ | TRIG- | ||||||
Reference (W2) | RHI-OUT | RLO-OUT |
78-pin | J1-27 | J1-8 | J1-28 | J1-9 | J1-29 | J1-10 | J1-30 | J1-11 | J1-31 | J1-12 | J1-32 | J1-13 | J1-66 | J1-47 | J1-67 | J1-48 | J1-68 | J1-49 | J1-69 | J1-50 | J1-70 | J1-51 | J1-71 | J1-52 | J1-72 | J1-20 | J1-59 |
S/D (SF) | Ch01 S1 | Ch01 S3 | Ch01 S2 | Ch01 S4 | Ch01 RH | Ch01 RL | Ch02 S1 | Ch02 S3 | Ch02 S2 | Ch02 S4 | Ch02 RH | Ch02 RL | Ch03 S1 | Ch03 S3 | Ch03 S2 | Ch03 S4 | Ch03 RH | Ch03 RL | Ch04 S1 | Ch04 S3 | Ch04 S2 | Ch04 S4 | Ch04 RH | Ch04 RL | System GND | TRIG+ | TRIG- |
3 CH D/S (6D) | Ch01 S1 | Ch01 S3 | Ch01 S2 | Ch01 S4 | Ch01 RH | Ch01 RL | Ch02 S1 | Ch02 S3 | Ch02 S2 | Ch02 S4 | Ch02 RH | Ch02 RL | Ch03 S1 | Ch03 S3 | Ch03 S2 | Ch03 S4 | Ch03 RH | Ch03 RL | System GND | TRIG+ | TRIG- | ||||||
Reference (W2) | RHI-OUT | RLO-OUT |
78-pin | J1-14 | J1-34 | J1-15 | J1-35 | J1-16 | J1-36 | J1-17 | J1-37 | J1-18 | J1-38 | J1-19 | J1-39 | J1-53 | J1-73 | J1-54 | J1-74 | J1-55 | J1-75 | J1-56 | J1-76 | J1-57 | J1-77 | J1-58 | J1-78 | J1-72 | J1-20 | J1-59 |
S/D (SF) | Ch01 S1 | Ch01 S3 | Ch01 S2 | Ch01 S4 | Ch01 RH | Ch01 RL | Ch02 S1 | Ch02 S3 | Ch02 S2 | Ch02 S4 | Ch02 RH | Ch02 RL | Ch03 S1 | Ch03 S3 | Ch03 S2 | Ch03 S4 | Ch03 RH | Ch03 RL | Ch04 S1 | Ch04 S3 | Ch04 S2 | Ch04 S4 | Ch04 RH | Ch04 RL | System GND | TRIG+ | TRIG- |
3 CH D/S (6D) | Ch01 S1 | Ch01 S3 | Ch01 S2 | Ch01 S4 | Ch01 RH | Ch01 RL | Ch02 S1 | Ch02 S3 | Ch02 S2 | Ch02 S4 | Ch02 RH | Ch02 RL | Ch03 S1 | Ch03 S3 | Ch03 S2 | Ch03 S4 | Ch03 RH | Ch03 RL | System GND | TRIG+ | TRIG- | ||||||
Reference (W2) | RHI-OUT | RLO-OUT |