Companion Tools
These tools provide functionality that the user might find useful. While not strictly a necessary part
of the PYToolkit, they can ease certain aspects of its use. In particular, the simwbDLClient module can
be daunting due to the complex way that data is recorded in SimWB. Hopefully the user can use this program
as-is. If not, then a working example of its use will surely be helpful.
Everything here should run using Python 2 or 3. The following descriptions will simply refer to "python",
but could just as easily have referred to a more specific version (e.g. python2, python3.6, etc).
- The command line program can be used to extract logged
items from a local or remote machine, storing them locally as Matlab, HDF5 or CSV (comma separated value)
data files. A short usage statement is produced by running python
without arguments. More detailed help is produced with the -H argument. This
program is shipped in source form and is an excellent example of PYToolkit use. You can find this
program in /usr/local/ccursim/python/PYToolkit or C:\Concurrent\PYToolkit (assuming the default
installation directories). requires the scipy Python package to create Matlab V5 files, the hdf5storage Python package to create Matlab V7.3 files and the h5py Python package to create HDF5 files. Querying
of test information and CSV output is still available without them. Look here for more information on finding/loading Python packages.
- simwbTarget.pyc is a command line program that guides the user
through creating/editing a SimWB XML target configuration file. Simply run the
module via python -m simwbTarget and follow the prompts.
A few Python scripts are provided here demonstrating PYToolkit usage. They have been designed to be
both useful as stand-alone command line programs as well as demonstration aids. Just right-click the
link and save the program to use it.
These two are the simplest. They are single-use and do not contain all of the complexity of a general
purpose, stand-alone program. But they serve as simpler examples to those that are not quite so
expert at Python.
Start the autotrans demo test. Sample the brake and throttle variables and display them. Set the
throttle to zero and the brake to 1000, and then wait until the vehicle stops moving. Then stop
the test. Running this test only requires that you be on the server or you must change line 9:
HOST = 'localhost'
Create a new test using the autotrans_demo model. Modify the initial conditions value for the
throttle, and save it under a new name. Then run the new test, with the new initial conditions,
and display the throttle to see that it has started with the new value. Running this test only
requires that you be on the server or you must change line 9:
HOST = 'localhost'
Usage statements and command line options are shown below along with a brief description of the program.
Usage can always be generated with the '-h' option by itself (e.g. python -h).
These programs will work on both the SimWB host machine as well as on clients (Linux or Windows), just as long as
the PYToolkit is available somewhere on your machine's PYTHONPATH. Be aware that utilizes ANSI
terminal control sequences on output. When running on Windows you need to install ANSI.SYS or remove these
sequences from the script.
Most of these programs utilize the
getTarget() API call using the default
environment variable SIMWB_TARGET (click on the call for more details).
usage: python -s -r RATE -h HOST -u USER/PASS -p PROJECT ITEM ...
get a SimWB ITEM value from the currently running test
when ITEM is '?' provide a descriptive list of ITEMs
-s display strings as character strings (default is URL encoded)
-r repeat every RATE seconds (default is one-shot)
-h connect to HOST (default is localhost)
-u log in as user USER, password PASS (default is admin/nimda)
-p select PROJECT (default is <default>)
usage: python -h HOST -u USER/PASS -p PROJECT ITEM VALUE ...
set a SimWB ITEM to VALUE in the currently running test
when ITEM is '?' provide a descriptive list of ITEMs
-h connect to HOST (default is localhost)
-u log in as user USER, password PASS (default is admin/nimda)
-p select PROJECT (default is <default>)
usage: python -h HOST -u USER/PASS -p PROJECT TEST[/SESSION]
start a SimWB test
without SESSION auto create the session
-h connect to HOST (default is localhost)
-u log in as user USER, password PASS (default is admin/nimda)
-p select PROJECT (default is <default>)
usage: python -h HOST -u USER/PASS
stop the currently running SimWB test
no error if no test is running
-h connect to HOST (default is localhost)
-u log in as user USER, password PASS (default is admin/nimda)
usage: python
stream both the SimWB messages and cfgsrv.log output to the terminal
usage: python
connect to two SimWB systems at the same time
This is not so much a stand-alone usable program as it is a really
small example of how to stream data in a refresh thread. Check it out -
you migh find it useful.
usage: python -h HOST -u USER/PASS HMI
start a SimWB HMI
-h connect to HOST (default is localhost)
-u log in as user USER, password PASS (default is admin/nimda)
add the PCM clear codes script to this TEST (? lists all tests)
-h connect to HOST (default is localhost)
-u log in as user USER, password PASS (default is admin/nimda)
-p select PROJECT (default is <default>)
-f force replacement of an existing script
-k examine RTDB item KEYITEM for key-on (default RLY7256_2_CH07_ISP_R)
-r create RTDB item REQITEM for the PCM request (default pcm_req)
-a create RTDB item ANSITEM for the PCM answer (default pcm_ans)
-s use SCRIPT as the script name (default clearcodes)
The following three links should download when clicked. If not then right-click and save/download the file.
The ASAM demo requires all of these files, and some test preparation on
the part of the user. Note that and do the same thing, but the first
uses the Concurrent Platform class, whereas the second does not. This means the test must already
be running to use the second demo. The following needs to be done prior to running either demo:
Configure SimWB with dlunbufferedio=1 in /etc/ccursim.conf. This is not a firm requirement, but without it
you may recieve slightly less capture data than expected (data logger caching and system load could result
in a race condition between your read request and SimWB's ability to get the data to disk). Changing dlunbuffered
will require a SimWB restart (service simwb restart).
Run the SimWB Control Center, and log into the target machine. If this fails, make sure that the SimWB host
has allowed access from the client you are running on (see $SIMWB_ROOT/etc/hosts.access).
Create an 'ASAM' project below '<default>', and make it the active project. Leave the control center open.
Run Matlab and open simplepid.mdl in Simulink.
Open the SimWB preferences. Under General, select model-specific. Under RTDB, deselect hierarchical naming. And under
Code Generation, select RTWCAPI signals.
Generate an RTDB named 'simplepid' using block names (just select this and leave the others as they are). Build the model. Close Matlab.
Back to the SimWB Control Center. Create a 'simplepid' test using the simplepid model you just built.
Create a 'main' session in the simplepid test insuring that logging is enabled and that Direct I/O is unchecked.
Open a bash/cmd.exe window on your client. This can be the server too. Any machine that has a PYToolkit installed.
Edit the ASAMDemoTarget.xml file using 'python -m simwbTarget ASAMDemoTarget.xml' or your
favorite text editor. If you've followed these instructions you should only need to change the host name, and only then if you are not
running on the SimWB server. When running the MAPOnly demo you must edit the file and change the CONFIG dictionary to
match the information in the XML file.
Now run the demo using 'python'. The results are stored in ASAMDemo.dat (time, plant_response, reference).
You will need gnuplot on your client to see the results plot. Otherwise expect to see some sort of error
about the gnuplot command not found.
Take a peek at Concurrent.log (always created when using the ASAM package). It contains a wealth of information that
can be invaluable when debugging. Just so you know, the number in the first column are elapsed milliseconds since the previous
message. Message ordering can be odd since what you see are three separate streams of data recorded in one file.