Trees | Indices | Help |
object --+ | Interfaces.Common.Capturing.Capture.ICapture --+ | Capture
Instance Methods | |||
CaptureResult |
BookmarkDefinitionCollection |
CaptureResult |
float |
EDurationUnit |
long |
Port |
ECaptureState |
unicode[] |
Inherited from |
Properties | |
BookmarkDefinitions | |
CaptureResult | |
Downsampling | |
DurationUnit | |
MinBufferSize | |
Port | |
State | |
TaskName | |
Variables | |
Inherited from |
Method Details |
Fetch the capture data. When 'whenFinished' is true we block here until the stop condition is satisfied. Otherwise the data since the last fetch (or the start trigger) is returned in a capture result object.
This is how you set the start trigger condition. The delay is in seconds, and may be positive (post-trigger) or negative (pre-trigger).
This is how you set the stop trigger condition. The delay is in seconds, and may be positive (post-trigger) or negative (pre-trigger).
Start the capture task.
Stop the capture. This is an asynchronous operation and does not block.
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
Returns the Capture data results as a CaptureResult object. This routine will block if the capture has not completed.
Return the downsampling (decimation) value.
Return the duration units value.
Unused by SimWB
Returns the model access port for this capture.
This is the ASAM capture state (eCONFIGURED, eRUNNING, etc).
The target capture passes state back to the capture object over the course of a capture. There may be a message attached to that state change, especially if there is an error. This method will return that message. |
Returns the list of variables to capture.
Set the capture data downsampling (decimation) value. Must be >= 1. Note that SimWB always records data at the simulation cycle rate. The downsampling is performed on the client side during creation of the CaptureResult object.
Set the capture duration units. This must be either eSAMPLES or eSECONDS (the default is ESECONDS). This effects the units interpretation for the capture start and stop conditions and pre- and post-trigger delays.
Unused by SimWB
The variable(s) to be captured. This can be a single name or a list of names. Multiple calls will append the names.
Property Details |
Port |
Trees | Indices | Help |
(c) Concurrent Real-Time | |