Model Reference Support in SimWB

SIMulation Workbench (SimWB) and the MLToolkit support code generation for models that reference other models.

Model reference offers several advantages for Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL) simulation such as:

For an overview of model reference, refer to the Simulink® documentation.


Configuring Referenced Models

When you generate code from a model using the MLToolkit, the software automatically replaces supported source/sink blocks with SimWB-compliant source/sink blocks. This replacement is done to map the source/sink blocks to their corresponding RTDB variables. Then, the software generates SimWB-compliant code for the model. For code generation, all model references must be configured as explained in Model Settings Changed by MLToolkit. You can configure the models using one of the following approaches:

Alternatively, you can use the configuration set reference feature in Simulink, which allows multiple models to share a configuration set. If your top-level model and referenced models share the same configuration set, then you can use the standard MLToolkit GUI workflow to create an RTDB or generate SimWB-compliant code. For more details, see Configuration Set Reference Support.

Automatic Configuration of Referenced Models

To automatically configure all the referenced models in a top level model that is needed to be built for SimWB, use the SimWB helper function named simwbConfigModelRef . This function does not modify the top-level model, but configures all the referenced models. For example, the command simwbConfigModelRef('SYS') configures all the models referenced in the model 'SYS' to work with MLToolkit and saves them. It also saves a backup copy of all those models by default. Additional arguments can be supplied as one of the following name-value pairs:

Options are case-insensitive on all platforms.

Manual Configuration of Referenced Models

The following example shows how to configure a simple model that references another model. In this tutorial, we will go over the advantages of model reference and the steps to configure the referenced models before using with SimWB. We will work with the basic model reference demo model named sldemo_mdlref_basic in Simulink.

  1. Open the model sldemo_mdlref_basic by either clicking here or by executing the following command in MATLAB®:
  2. Save the model as my_sldemo_mdlref_basic.
  3. All of the model blocks in this model reference the same model. Open the model that it references by clicking any one of the model blocks. It should open the model sldemo_mdlref_counter. Save this model as my_sldemo_mdlref_counter.
  4. Open the 'Configuration Parameters' for the model my_sldemo_mdlref_counter (Simulation > Configuration Parameters) and select grt.tlc for the System Target File (Code Generation > System Target File).
  5. my_sldemo_mdlref_basic configuration parameters

  6. Also, change the 'Interface' from 'none' to 'C API' (Code Generation > Interface). Make sure the 'signals' and 'parameters' check boxes are selected.
  7. In the same 'Interface' pane changes the 'Target function library' from 'C89/C90 ANSI' to 'C99 ISO'. Save the model to preserve the changes. The model is now ready to be included in the_sldemo_mdlref_basic model.
  8. my_sldemo_mdlref_basic interface pane

  9. Let us configure the model my_sldemo_mdlref_basic to have some output RTDB variables. Prefix 'SW' to the names of all the scopes. This will allow us to observe the waveforms at those scopes on the real-time host. Save the model to preserve the changes. Now we are ready to generate code and send it to the real-time host.
  10. my_sldemo_mdlref_basic model

  11. In the model, my_sldemo_mdlref_basic, select the SimWB > Toolkit GUI to open the MLToolkit GUI. After logging in open the RTDB Creator tab, set the name of RTDB as my_sldemo_mdlref_basic , and click Create and Upload RTDB .
  12. my_sldemo_mdlref_basic RTDB creator tab

  13. Open the Code Generator tab in the MLToolkit GUI, make sure the RTDB selected is my_sldemo_mdlref_basic , and then click on the Generate, Export, and Make button to generate code and send it to SimWB real-time host.

    my_sldemo_mdlref_basic code generator tab

    Upon successful completion of the Make process the following message will be displayed on the MATLAB command prompt.
  14. my_sldemo_mdlref_basic configuration parameters

You are now ready to use this executable in a test on the real-time host.

For your convenience, the completed models my_sldemo_mdlref_basic and my_sldemo_mdlref_counter are included with SimWB installation. You can access them with the following commands in MATLAB®:

Model Settings Changed by MLToolkit

MLToolkit automatically changes the following parameters of the model for SimWB-compliant code generation. In case of ERT, in addition to the above parameters SimWB sets the following parameters:

While this is convenient, there are certain restrictions on the configuration of the referenced models with respect to the top model in Simulink.

Simulation Requirements1: Simulation settings that need to match between top and referenced models are as shown below.
Dialog Box Pane Option Requirement
Solver Start time The start time of the top model and all referenced models must be the same, but need not be zero.
Stop time Simulink uses Stop time of the top model for simulation, overriding any differing Stop time in a sub model.
The Type and Solver of the top model apply throughout the hierarchy.
Data Import/Export Initial state Can be on for the top model, but must be off for a referenced model.


Inline parameters Can be on or off for a top model, but must be on for a referenced model.

Application lifespan (days)

Must be the same for top and referenced models.

Model Referencing Total number of instances allowed per top model Must not be Zero in a referenced model. Specifying One rather than Multiple is preferable or required in some cases.

Hardware Implementation

Embedded hardware options

All values must be the same for top and referenced models.

Code Generation Requirements2: Code generation settings restrictions are listed as shown below.
Dialog Box Pane Option Requirement
Solver Start time Some system targets require the start time of all models to be zero.

Hardware Implementation

Emulation hardware options

All values must be the same for top and referenced models.

Code Generation

System target file

Must be the same for top and referenced models.

Language Must be the same for top and referenced models.

Generate code only

Must be the same for top and referenced models.


Maximum identifier length

Cannot be longer for a referenced model than for its parent model.


Target function library

Must be the same for top and referenced models.

Data exchange > Interface


The C API check boxes for signals, parameters, and states must be the same for top and referenced models.


Can be on or off in a top model, but must be off in a referenced model. If it is not, the Simulink Coder software temporarily sets it to off during code generation.

Limitations in Model Reference Support

  1. If you would like to access the parameters inside the referenced models in the SimWB Real-Time Host, you need to convert them into Global Tunable Parameter. A global tunable parameter is a Simulink.Parameter object whose storage class is "Model Default". The parameter exists in the MATLAB workspace. Using a global tunable parameter in a referenced model allows you to control the behavior of the referenced model by setting the parameter value. All instances of the model use the same value. To see an example, execute the following command in MATLAB®:
    Opening this model will load variables used in the model. All the parameters used in the referenced model ccur_rtwdemo_capi_bot, Kp and Ki are defined in the workspace as Simulink.Parameter with storage class set to 'SimulinkGlobal'.
  2. The source and sink blocks inside the referenced model(s) can not be mapped to RTDB variables. To work around this issue, you can bring them out to the top model.

1From Simulink documentation.
2From Simulink Coder documentation.