All the resources associated with SIMulation Workbench reside under the /usr/local/ccursim directory. And are pointed to by the main SimWB configuration file
This file defines the global resources such as directory paths and host name needed to run the simulation software. It is an ASCII file in the key=value format.
The file must be placed into the /etc/ directory. This file is only installed on the system during the first time SimWB inst installed, subsequent upgrade will not overwrite any previous version of the file already present on the systems.
The configuration server (cfgsrv) program and all the other processes that it forks to start a test run with the ccursim group id. All directories and files created by the configuration are readable and writable by root and the ccursim group id. Any external process that wants read and write access to any file in the data logger repository must thus be a member of the ccursim group.
As described above, all the directories and files that are created at run time reside under the main projectsdir directory as defined in the /etc/ccursim.conf file. Also some static directories exist directly under the installdir directory (/usr/local/ccursim) such as the I/O and GUI user hooks.
GUIHooks |
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