This is a pseudo device that copies output/input RTDB items (points) to chosen RTDB input/output items.
The configuration of what outputs/inputs to copy to what inputs/outputs is done via a similar panel
as for other real I/O devices.
This copy function is implemented via 2 independent I/O tasks.
This pseudo device does not require a license.
The mapping panel allows you to map output to input for RTDB items of the same point type. That is, String Out (STRO) to String In (STRI), Analog Out (AO) to Analog In (AI), and Digital Out (DO) to Digital In (DI). Additionally, you can only map input/output items that have the same dimensions. However, items do not have to be of the same C type, i.e. double, float, int, etc. Nevertheless, the copy is faster when both source and destination items have the same C type.
To copy an output item to an input, select the input item on the left side under the Copy Output --> Input branch of the I/O Mappings form, then click on a check box for the output item on the right side of the form. See I/O Mappings... for details.
To copy an input item to an output, select the output item on the left side under the Copy Input --> Output branch of the I/O Mappings form, then click on a check box for the input item on the right side of the form.