Bar Graphdis_bargraph.png

Displays the connected variable as a partially filled bar graph.

It can optionally be configured to accept data entry from the user to set the value of the connected variable.

A horizontal Bar Graph with inside scale:


A horizontal Bar Graph with user input enabled:



See Geometry.



printf” style numerical format used to format the value. HTML tags are not supported.


printf” style numerical format used to format the axis scale. HTML tags are not supported.


Text Color

Color of the labels.

Background Color

Background color of the widget. When the color is set to none by clicking on the nullbutton.png button, the background color or image will show in the back of the widget.

Fill Color

Color of the bar that indicates the value.

Axis Color

Color of the axis and the frame around the bar.

Visual Propertiesbargraphprop2.png

Show Scale

Display the scale on the side of (or inside if the  Draw Inside property is selected) the bar graph.

Show Value

Show the value of the variable.

Bar Width

Width of the bar in pixels.


Number of major ticks in the scale, including the endpoints. So, to put major ticks for a range of 0 to 100 units at every 20 units, use (100-0)/20+1=6 ticks.

Minor Ticks

Number of minor ticks between major ticks. So, to put a minor tick every 5 units where major ticks are separated by 20 units, use 20/5-1=3 minor ticks.

Draw Inside

Draw the scale on the inside of the bar instead of outside.


Orientation of the bar (horizontal or vertical).

Align Value

Align the value to the bottom, top, or middle of the bar graph when drawn.

Start Label

Value to start labeling the scale values. Typically, this is the same as the minimum value. To skip labeling the lowest major tick, set the start label to be the value of the next higher major tick.

Label Spacing

Spacing in units of the connected variable for successive labels. To label every other major tick, set label spacing to twice the unit distance between major ticks.

Labels to Display

Number of labels to display starting at Start Label value. Typically this value is equal to the number of major ticks if every major tick is being labeled. If every other major tick or the end points are not being labeled, adjust the number of labels accordingly: (maximum label - minimum label)/spacing between labels + 1.

Expected Value Range bargraphprop3.png

Maximum Value

Maximum expected value for the connected variable. This is the highest value displayed by the bar graph.

Minimum Value

Minimum expected value for the connected variable. This is the lowest value displayed by the bar graph.

User Input

Allows the user to enter a new value for the associated variable. New values may be input in three ways:



Maximum value that can be input for this value. If the value provided is greater than this maximum, an error message dialog is shown and the value is not sent to the real-time host.


Minimum value that can be input for this value. If the value provided is less than this minimum, an error message dialog is shown and the value is not sent to the real-time host.


Text Font

Font of the value and scale’s text.

Border Properties

See Border Properties