Module CaptureResultMDF40Writer'
Description: The ASAM standard HIL API defines an interface for
standardized access to Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL)
Simulators. The HIL API ist used in this source code.
Date of last change: July 23, 2009
ASAM HIL API Version: 1.0.0
Interface Version: 1
This module requires the 'asammdf' package. You must independently
load this module (I would recommend via 'pip install') using the
same python version that the PYToolkit was installed with.
The asammdf package prerequisites are:
PYTHON2 is True when running Python 2.x
PYTHON3 is True when running Python 3.x
PYTHON_VERSION is an integer 3-tuple of the running Python version
__package__ = ' ASAM.HILAPI.Concurrent.Common.Capturing '