Injection Ignition IP

Block Info

Version: 1.0
First Release: FPGAWB 2018.1-0

The INJ_IGN block captures injection or ignition pulses coming from the ECU. The information captured is relative to the TDC of the cylinder for which the cannel is configured. The block can handle both injection and ignition digital inputs. The CRANK_CAM block is a prerequisite for using the INJ_IGN block.

Figure below shows an example usage of the CRANK_CAM and INJ_IGN IP core blocks. A Simulink/Custom C model sends the RPM value to the IP core and the different waveforms are generated for the ECU based on the Crank and Cam tooth profiles. Injection and Ignition inputs are capture in relation to the crank angle and then presented it back the engine model.

Figure: Application example


Example 1

The digital outputs from the CRANK_CAM block are connected to digital output blocks and the MVAO is connected to an analog output block. The digital inputs are connected to the INJ_IGN blocks and will capture the pulse information with respect to the crank angle generated by the CRANK_CAM block. Internal wires connect the CRANK_CAM block to the INJ_IGN block passing crank information through Verilog code.
