Bit to Analog Output IP

Block Info

Version: 1.0
First Release: FPGAWB 2018.1-0

The BIT_TO_AO block provides the ability to ingest a single bit input signal and based on the set parameters create a multi-bit output which can be directly passed to the analog output block. This block is ideal to scale and convert a two-level high (5V) and low (0V) output to an output range of +10V to -10V or +5V to -5V covered by the analog output block. BIT_TO_AO IP Core supports the following features:

  • Multi-bit output for a low (0) input
  • Multi-bit output for a high (1) input


Example 1

Digital output from the PWM_OUTPUT block is scaled and converted to a two level multi-bit value using the BIT_TO_AO block and then passed on to the analog output pin 15. A 0 coming from the PWM_OUTPUT block is converted to -5V on the analog channel and a 1 coming from the PWM_OUTPUT block is converted to a +5V signal.
